Key outputs
WRi works with clients and partners to research and publish reports on specific pieces of work. The following is a selection of key reports by institute members:
- “Mapping wilderness quality in the Central Highlands of Iceland“. Report prepared by WRi on wilderness in the central Highlands of Iceland. March 2022.
- “Mapping 4×4 impacts on wilderness in Iceland“. Report prepared by WRi on effects of 4×4 routes in Vonarskarð area of the Vatnajökull National Park. September 2021.
- “Hvalá power plant proposal : review of impacts on wilderness“. Report prepared by WRi report assessing the potential impacts of the proposed Hvalá power plant (Hvalárvirkjun) on patterns of wilderness quality. November 2019.
- A review of the social, economic and environmental benefits of wild land in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 919. 2017
- Wilderness Protected Areas: Management guidelines for IUCN Category 1b protected areas. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
- “Wildness Study in Wales – Final Report“. Report prepared by WRi on Wildness in the Welsh countryside. December 2014.
- “Talladh-a-Bheithe Wind Farm Proposal: Review of impacts on wild land“. Report commissioned by JMT, August 2014.
- “Wilderness Register and Indicator for Europe” Report to EU, October 2013.
- “Public Perception Survey of Wildness in Scotland” Technical advice to report prepared by MVA for the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority and SNH, July 2012.
- “The Protection of Wild Land in Scotland” Options paper prepared for the John Muir Trust, September 2011
- “Wildness study in the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park” Report prepared for the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority and SNH, January 2011.
- “Wildness study in the Cairngorms National Park” Report prepared for the Cairngorms National Park Authority and SNH, September 2008.
- “A review of the status and conservation of wild land in Europe” Report prepared for the Scottish Government, November 2010.
- “A reconnaissance level wild land map of the UK” for the John Muir Trust’s new vision.
- “Europe’s Ecological Backbone: Recognising the true value of our mountains” mapping work for EU/EAA report.
- “10 messages for 2010 – mountain ecosystems” maps for EU/EEA report.
- IUCN “Wilderness Protected Areas: Management guidelines for IUCN Category 1b
protected areas” (2016)
Example publications by WRi Staff
WRi and its members strive to publish the results of its research in appropriate academic journals. The following is a selection of relevant papers by institute members:
- Carver, S., Konráðsdóttir, S., Guðmundsson, S., Carver, B. & Kenyon, O. (2023) New Approaches to Modelling Wilderness Quality in Iceland. in Land, 12(2), p. 446.
- Hawkins, S., Convery, I., Carver, S., & Beyers, R. (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. ISBN 978-03-675-6448-3
- Hawkins, S., Beyers, R., Carver, S. & Convery, I. (2022) Introduction: what is rewilding?. In S.Hawkins, I. Convery, S.Carver, R.Beyers (eds) (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. 3-10.
- Fisher, M. & Carver, S. (2022) The emergence of rewilding in North America. In S.Hawkins, I. Convery, S.Carver, R.Beyers (eds) (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. 11-20.
- Locquet, A. & Carver, S. (2022) The emergence of rewilding in Europe. In S.Hawkins, I. Convery, S.Carver, R.Beyers (eds) (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. 21-30.
- Carver, S. (2022) Mapping wildness and opportunities for rewilding. In S.Hawkins, I. Convery, S.Carver, R.Beyers (eds) (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. 92-102.
- Cao, Y., Zhao, Z., Yang, R., Carver, S. & Convery, I. (2022) Eco-civilisation provides new opportunities for rewilding in China. In S.Hawkins, I. Convery, S.Carver, R.Beyers (eds) (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. 222-228.
- Van Volkenburg, H., Beyers, R., Nelson, C. Vasseur, L., Andrade, A., Convery, I. & Carver, S. (2022) In S.Hawkins, I. Convery, S.Carver, R.Beyers (eds) (2022) Routledge Handbook of Rewilding. Routledge. 274-284
- Cao, Y., Wang, F., Tseng, T.H., Carver, S., Chen, X., Zhao, J., Yu, L., Li, F., Zhao, Z. & Yang, R. (2022) Identifying ecosystem service value and potential loss of wilderness areas in China to support post-2020 global biodiversity conservation. in Science of the Total Environment, 846, p.157348.
- Cao, Y., Tseng, T.H., Wang, F., Jacobsen, A., Yu, L., Zhao, J., Carver, S., Locke, H., Zhao, Z. & Yang, R. (2022) Potential wilderness loss could undermine the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. In Biological Conservation, 275, p.109753.
- Crouzat, E., De Frutos, A., Grescho, V., Carver, S., Buermann, A., Carvalho-Santos, C., Kraemer, R., Mayor, S., Popperl, F., Rossi, C., Schroter, M., Strith, A., Sofia Vaz, A., Watzem, J & Bonn, A. (2022) Potential supply and actual use of cultural ecosystem services in mountain protected areas and their surroundings, In Ecosystem Services, 53, 2022, 101395.
- Egoh, B.N., Nyelele, C., Holl, K.D., Bullock, J.M., Carver, S. & Sandom, C.J. (2021) Rewilding and restoring nature in a changing world. In PloS one, 16(7), p.e0254249.
- Convery, I. & Carver, S. (2021) Time to put the wild back into rewilding. In ECOS 42(3).
- Carver, S., Convery, I., Hawkins, S., Beyers, R., Eagle, A., Kun, Z., Van Maanen, E., Cao, Y., Fisher, M., Edwards, S.R., Nelson, C. & 19 Others, (2021) Guiding principles for rewilding. In Conservation Biology, 35(6), pp.1882-1893.
- Chien, Y.M.C., Carver, S. & Comber, A. (2021) An Exploratory analysis of expert and Nonexpert-Based Land-scape Aesthetics evaluations: A case study from Wales. In Land, 10(2), p.192.
- Carver, S. & Convery, I. (2021) Rewilding: time to get down off the fence. In British Wildlife, 32(4).
- Carver, S. (2020) (Re)creating wilderness: rewilding and habitat restoration. In Peter Howard, Ian Thompson, Emma Waterton (eds) The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. 2nd edition. Routledge. 383-394.
- Chien, Y.M.C., Carver, S. & Comber, A. (2020) Using geographically weighted models to explore how crowdsourced landscape perceptions relate to landscape physical characteristics. In Landscape and Urban Planning, 203, p.103904.
- Cao, Y., Yang, R. & Carver, S. (2020) Linking wilderness mapping and connectivity modelling: A methodological framework for wildland network planning. In Biological Conservation, 251, p.108679.
- Dick, J., Carruthers-Jones, J., Carver, S., Dobel, A.J. & Miller, J.D. (2020) How are nature-based solutions contributing to priority societal challenges surrounding human well-being in the United Kingdom: a systematic map. In Environmental Evidence, 9(1), pp.1-21.
- Zoderer, B.M., Carver, S., Tappeiner, U. & Tasser, E. (2020) Ordering ‘wilderness’: Variations in public representations of wilderness and their spatial distributions. In Landscape and Urban Planning, 202, p.103875.
- Yamg, R., Cao, Y., Hou, S., Peng, Q., Wang, X., Wang, F., Tseng, T.H., Yu, L., Carver, S., Convery, I. & Zhao, Z. (2020) Cost-effective priorities for the expansion of global terrestrial protected areas: Setting post-2020 global and national targets. In Science Advances, 6(37), p.eabc3436.
- Klaar, M.J., Carver, S. & Kay, P. (2020) Land management in a post‐Brexit UK: An opportunity for integrated catchment management to deliver multiple benefits?. In Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 7(5), p.e1479.
- Carver, S. (2019) Living with the wild: cores, connectivity and co-existence. In ECOS 40(6).
- Cao, Y., Carver, S. & Yang, R. (2019) Mapping wilderness in China: Comparing and integrating Boolean and WLC approaches. In Landscape and Urban Planning, 192, p.103636.
- Zoderer, B.M., Tasser, E., Carver, S. & Tappeiner, U. (2019) An integrated method for the mapping of landscape preferences at the regional scale. In Ecological Indicators, 106, p.105430.
- Zoderer, B.M., Tasser, E., Carver, S. & Tappeiner, U. (2019) Stakeholder perspectives on ecosystem service supply and ecosystem service demand bundles. In Ecosystem Services, 37, p.100938.
- Cao, Y., Yang, R., Long, Y. & Carver, S. (2018) A preliminary study on mapping wilderness in mainland China. In International Journal of Wilderness, 24(2).
- Carver, S. & Fisher, M. (2018) Reviewing England’s National Parks: an opportunity for rewilding?. In ECOS 39(3).
- Ockendon, N., Thomas, D.H., Cortina, J., Adams, W.M., Aykroyd, T., Barvov, B., Boitani, L., Bonn, A., Branquinho, C., Brombacher, M., Burrell, C., Carver, S. … Sutherland, W. (2018) One hundred priority questions for landscape restoration in Europe. In Biological Conservation, 221, pp.198-208.
- Carver, S. (2018) #Rewilding: Loving or loathing the new wild. In ECOS 38(6).
- Carver, S. (2018). The River Wild: towards a global assessment of wilderness rivers. In International Journal of Wilderness. 24(1), 2018.
- Carver, S. (2017). Lessons from the West: developing wilderness mapping techniques and their potential in China and SE Asia. In Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture. 33(258), 21-27.
- Watson, A., Carver, S., Huang, C. & Yang, H. (2017) Wilderness, rewilding and free-willed ecosystems: evolving concepts in stewardship of IUCN Protected Category 1b Areas. In Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture. 33(258), 34-38.
- McBride, B. B., Sanchez-Trigueros, F., Carver, S. J., Watson, A. E., Stumpff, L. M., Matt, R., & Borrie, W. T. (2017). Participatory Geographic Information Systems as an Organizational Platform for the Integration of Traditional and Scientific Knowledge in Contemporary Fire and Fuels Management. In Journal of Forestry, 115(1), 43-50.
- Carver, S. (2017) Rewilding. in N.Castree, M.Hulme and J.Proctor (eds) The Companion to Environmental Studies. Routledge (London & New York)
- Fisher, M & Parfitt, A. (2016) The challenge of wild nature conserving itself. in ECOS 37(3/4), 27-34.
- Carver, S. (2016) Rewilding… Conservation and conflict. in ECOS 37(2), 2-10.
- Carver, S. (2016) Flood management and nature – can rewilding help? in ECOS 37(1), 33-42.
- Deary, H., & Tin, T. (2015). Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties’ engagement in wilderness protection at home and in Antarctica. The Polar Journal, (ahead-of-print), 1-33.
- Watson, A., Carver, S., Krenova, Z. & McBride, B. comps. (2015). Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Tenth World Wilderness Congress symposium; 2013, 4-10 October, Salamanca, Spain. Proceedings RMRS-P-74. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 208 p.
- Ceaușu, S., Hofmann, M., Navarro, L. M., Carver, S., Verburg, P. H., & Pereira, H. M. (2015). Mapping opportunities and challenges for rewilding in Europe. Conservation Biology. 29(4):1017-1027.
- Ceauşu, Silvia, Carver, S., Verburg, P. H., Kuechly, H. U., Hölker, F., Brotons, L., & Pereira, H. M. European wilderness in a time of farmland abandonment. in H. M. Pereira, L. M. Navarro (eds.) (2015) Rewilding European Landscapes. Springer International Publishing, Chapter 2. 25-46.
- Carver, S. (2014) Making real space for nature: a continuum approach to UK conservation. ECOS 35(3/4) 4-14.
- Tricker, J., P. Landres, G. Fauth, P. Hardwick, and A. Eddy. 2014. Mapping wilderness character in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/SEKI/NRTR—2014/872. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Carver, S., Tricker, J., & Landres, P. (2013). Keeping it wild: Mapping wilderness character in the United States. Journal of Environmental Management, 131, 239-255.
- Mc Morran, R. & Scott, A. (2012) ‘Re-claiming the land in the name of sustainable rural development’, Key benefits and impacts and impacts of community estate ownership in the Scottish Highlands and current constraints on sustainability – the participant perspective. In: Glass, J. (et al.,) (eds.), Lairds, Land and Sustainability, Edinburgh University Press.
- Brown, C., Mc Morran, R. & Price, M.F. (2012) Re-wilding – A new paradigm for nature conservation in Scotland? Scottish Geographical Journal (In Press).
- Tricker, James. (2012) Mapping Wilderness Character: New Tools for New Concepts. International Journal of Wilderness 18(1) 25, 40.
- Carver SJ; Comber A; McMorran R; Nutter S (2012) A GIS model for mapping spatial patterns and distribution of wild land in Scotland, Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(3-4), 395-409 . doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.11.016
- Howard DC; Wadsworth RA; Scholefield P; Burgess PJ; Carver SJ et al. (2012) Energyscapes: Linking the energy system and ecosystem services in real landscapes, Biomass and Bioenergy, . doi: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.05.025
- Carver, S. (2012) (Re)Creating Wilderness: Rewilding And Habitat Restoration. in Peter Howard, Ian H. Thompson, Emma Waterton (eds) The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies.
- Heck N; Dearden P; McDonald A; Carver SJ (2011) Developing MPA performance indicators with local stakeholders’ input in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Canada, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 20, pp.895-911.
- Alan E. Watson. 2011. The Role of Wilderness Protection and Societal Engagement as Indicators of Well-Being: An Examination of Change at the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Social Indicators Research, DOI 10.1007/s11205-011-9947-x
- Watson, Alan; Matt, Roian; Knotek, Katie; Williams, Daniel R.; and Laurie Yung. 2011. Traditional Wisdom: Protecting Relationships with Wilderness as a Cultural Landscape. Ecology and Society 16(1):36
- Pheasant, R.J., Fisher, M.N.,Watts, G.R., Whitaker, J.R. & Horoshenkov, K.V. (2010) The importance of auditory-visual interaction in the construction of tranquil space. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30: 501 – 509
- Comber, A., et al., (2009) Evaluating alternative mappings of wildness using fuzzy MCE and Dempster-Shafer in support of decision making. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 34 (2), 142-152.
- Carver, S., et al (2009) Developing computer-based participatory approaches to mapping landscape values for landscape and resource management. In S.Geertman & J.Stillwell (eds) Best Practice and New Methods in Planning Support Systems. Springer. 431-448.
- McMorran, R. (2009) In search of the wild; What is Scottish wild land, why does it matter and what are we doing to look after it? The Scottish Mountaineer, May 2009 p58-59.
- Gabriel, D., et al (2009) The spatial aggregation of organic farming in England and its underlying environmental correlates. International Journal of Applied Ecology. 46(2), 323-333.
- Blair, S., et al., (2009) Using GIS to identify wildland areas in the North Pennines. In N.Mount, G. Harvey, P.Alpin & G.Priestnall (eds) Representing, modelling and visualising the natural environment, Innovations in GIS series. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. 87-100.
- Mc Morran, R., Price, M.F. and Warren, C. (2008) The call of different wilds: The importance of definition and perception in protecting and managing Scottish wild landscapes. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 51(2), 177-199.
- Carver, S. (2008) Native behaviour: the human and land-use implications of returning key species to Scotland. In ECOS 29(3/4), 2-8.
- Mc Morran, R. (2007) Scottish wild landscapes: Wild nature or wild experience? The Munro Society Journal 1, 26-30.
- Carver, S. (2007) Bringing wilderness into the classroom. In ECOS 28(1), 90-93.
- Carver, S. & Wrightham, M, (2007) Shrinking Wild Lands: Assessing Human Intrusion in the Highlands of Scotland, 1870 to 2004, Using Geographical Information Systems. In A.Watson, J.Sproull & L.Dean, eds (2007) Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium; September 30–October 6, 2005; Anchorage, AK. Proceedings RMRS-P-49. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 357-366.
- Carver, S. (2007) Rewilding in England and Wales: A Review of Recent Developments, Issues, and Concerns. In A.Watson, J.Sproull & L.Dean, eds (2007) Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium; September 30–October 6, 2005; Anchorage, AK. Proceedings RMRS-P-49. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 267-272.
- Ward, V., et al (2006) Re-wilding projects in the UK – the database. In ECOS 27(3/4), 5-7.
- Carver, S. (2006) Connectivity of nature in the Dutch landscape. In ECOS 27(3/4), 61-64.
- Carver, S. & Samsom, p. (2005) “Eee, it’s wild oop north” In ECOS Special wild land issue. 25(3/4), 29-33.
- Carver, S. (2005) Mountains and wilderness: identifying areas for restoration. In D.B.A.Thompson, M.F.Price & C.A.Galbraith (eds) Nature and People: Conservation and Management in the Mountains of Northern Europe. SNH. 365-370.
- Corne, S., et al (2004) Predicting Alaskan forest properties using artificial neural networks. In Forest Science 50(2): 259-276.
- Dymond, C. et al., (2003) Investigating the environmental cause of global wilderness and species richness distributions In: Seventh World Wliderness Congress symposium: science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values edited by Watson, A.; Sproull, J. ;, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah, U.S.A
- Dymond, C. et al., (2002) Investigating the environmental cause of global wilderness and species richness distribution. Proc. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Seventh World Wilderness Congress symposium, November 2001, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-27 2003, 231-237.
- Lennon, J.J., et al (2002) Are Alaskan trees found in locally more favourable sites in marginal areas? In Global Ecology and Biogeography. 11(2), 103-114.
- Carver, S., et al (2002) Wilderness attribute mapping in the United Kingdom. in International Journal of Wilderness. 8(1), 24-29.
- Carver, S., Woodward, J. & Mikkelsen, N. (2002) Long-term rates of mass wasting in Mesters Vig, Northeast Greenland: Notes on a re-survey. in Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 13(3), 243-249.
- Woodard, J., Carver, S., Kunzendorf, H. & Bennike, O. (2002) Observations of surge periodicity in East Greenland using molybdenum records from marine sediment cores. in J.A.Dowdswell and Ó.Cofaigh (eds) Glacier influenced sedimentation in high-latitude continental margins. Geological Society Special Publication 203, 367-373. The Geological Society, London.
- Fritz, S. et al., (2000), A fuzzy modelling approach to wild land mapping in Scotland, in P.Atkinson and D.Martin (eds.) Innovations in GIS 7, Taylor & Francis, London. 219-230.
- Fritz, S. & Carver, S. (2000) Modelling remoteness in roadless areas using GIS. Proceedings 4th International Conference and Workshop on Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Environmental Modelling. Banff, Canada, September 2000. CD-ROM and WWW.
- Fritz et al., (2000) New approaches to wild land mapping in Europe. Proceedings of the Wilderness Science in a Time of Change Conference. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-15-VOL-2 (2000) Missoula, Montana.
- Carver, S. & Fritz, S. (1999) Mapping remote areas using GIS. in M.Usher (ed) Landscape character: perspectives on management and change. Natural Heritage of Scotland Series, HMSO.
- Carver, S. (1996) Mapping the wilderness continuum using raster GIS. in S.Morain & S.Lopez-Baros (eds) Raster imagery in Geographic Information Systems. OnWord Press, New Mexico, 283-288.
- Sear, D. & Carver, S. (1996) Release and dispersal of Pb and Zn contaminated mining sediments in an Arctic braided river system. in Applied Geochemistry. 11, 187-195.
- Carver, S., Heywood, I., Cornelius, S. & Sear, D. (1995) Evaluating field-based GIS for environmental modelling, characterisation and decision support. in International Journal of Geographical Information Systems. 9(4), 475-486.
WRi and its members regularly deliver papers and presentations at relevant conferences and workshops. The following is a selection of presentations made at recent events:
- Carver, S. “Notes from across the pond: shared approaches to wilderness science between the US and Europe” Paper presentation at Wilderness 50, 15-19 October 2014.
- Carver, S. “The Wilderness Continuum and its Implications for Wilderness Protection” Paper presentation at Europe’s Wilderness Days, 1-4 October 2014.
- Carver, S. “Mapping the Scottish Wildlands: from idea to policy in the last ten years” Paper presentation at Wilder By Design, 15-16th May 2014.
- Fisher, M. & Carver, S. “European wilderness as revealed by strict protection in nature conservation and forest legislation“. Paper presentation at WILD10, 10th October 2013.
- Fisher, M. “The European Wilderness Convention – building on the strict protection in nature conservation legislation” Paper presentation during PAN Parks European Wilderness Days: Legal Protection of Europe’s Wilderness, at WILD10, 9th October 2013.
- Deary, H., Warren, C. & McMorran, R. “Wild 10 Rewilding Discourses” Paper presentation at WILD10, 8th October 2013.
- Carver, S. “Wilderness – where are we now” Plenary presentation, WILD10, 4th October 2013.
- Carver, S. “For People and Planet” Plenary presentation, WILD10, 4th October 2013.
- Carver, S. “Unbounded moor” Presentation to Pennine Prospects’ Watershed Project Unbounded Moor seminar, Haworth, October 2012.
- Fisher, M. “Blacka Moor – Who decides? The lost opportunities” Presentation at the Action 4 Involvement workshop, Sheffield 27 June 2013.
- Carver, S. “The role of science in telling our story: Understanding the great orchestra” Presentation at Europe’s Wilderness Days, PANParks conference, Nagu, Finland, September 2012.
- Fisher, M. “A review of naturalistic grazing versus natural processes“. Presentation at Europe’s Wilderness Days, PANParks conference, Nagu, Finland, September 2012.
- Fisher, M. & Carver, S. “Mapping wilderness in Europe and beyond” Presentation at European Congress of Conservation Biology 2012, Glasgow, August-September 2012.
- Markieta, M. & Carver, S. “No High Ground: Visualising Scotland’s Renewable Energy Landscapes using Rapid Viewshed Assessment Tools” Presentation at GISRUK2012, Lancaster, April 2012.
- Carver, S. “Mapping the wild” Presentation at WWF Wilderness Mapping seminar, Brasov, March 2012.
- Carver, S. “Rewilding” Presentation at Conserve and Sustain: habitat restoration in the Dales. Craven College, Skipton, June 2012.
- Jeong, JS., Garcia, L., Hernandez, J. & Carver, S.: An interoperable web-based GIS application to integrate rural buildings with their surroundings. In: Proceedings on VI Congreso Ibérico de AgroIngeniería , Evora, Portugal, 2011.
- Carver, S. & Fisher, M. “A GIS method identifying the status and conservation of wild land in Europe” Presentation at Spatial Ecology & Conservation Conference, Birmingham, September 2011.
- Fisher, M. & Carver, S. “The wilderness research agenda in Europe.” Presentation to Rebuilding the natural heart of Europe. EC Presidency on restoration of large wild areas. Brussels, November 2010.
- Carver, S. “Wildness in the Cairngorms National Park” Presentation at Cairngorms Knowledge Exchange Event, Aviemore, November 2010.
- Fisher, M. “Research opportunities and needs linked to wilderness areas.” Presentation to 9th Europe’s Wilderness Days conference, Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, Georgia, September 2010
- Fisher, M., Carver, S. Kun, Z. “Review of status and conservation of wild land in Europe for the Scottish Government” Presentation at Scotland’s Wild Landscapes – New Ways Forward, SNH Battleby, May 2010
- Carver, S. “Scotland’s wild landscapes – Setting the Scene”. Presentation to Scotland’s Wild Landscapes: New Ways Forward. Battleby, May 2010.
- Carver, S. & Fisher, M. “Natura 2000: a framework for wilderness protection in Europe?” Presentation at MMV5 Wageningen, Netherlands, May-June 2010.
- Young, J. & Carver, S. “Emptied, Not Empty …21st Century Wild Land in a 19th Century Cultural Landscape”. Presentation to WILD9, 9th World Wilderness Congress. Merida, Mexico, November 2009.
- Tricker, J. & Carver, S. “Conceptualizing Wildness In Marine Protected Areas: New Geographies for Evaluating Wild Seascapes”. Presention to WILD9, 9th World Wilderness Congress. Merida, Mexico, November 2009.
- Carver, S. “Different People, Different Lands: 20 Years Experience in Using Participatory GIS to Capture Local Knowledge and Feeling”. Presentation to Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial International Conference. Adelaide, October 2009.
- Carver, S. “Where is wild?” Presentation to Wilderness and Large Natural Habitat Areas in Europe conference, Prague, May 2009.