Steffen currently works at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Vienna, Austria where he has worked on IIASA’s Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the Forestry Program on the GEO-BENE project assessing the benefits of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Steffen is work package leader of the EU funded EUROGEOSS projects and is the initiator and co-ordinator of a global land cover validation tool based on crowdsourcing. He has published reports, book chapters, and peer reviewed papers in the field of earth observation, crowdsourcing, fuzzy logic, remoteness mapping, global and regional vegetation monitoring, crop yield and crop acreage estimations of agricultural crops, and wild land research. His research interests are: Geographical information science, advanced spatial analysis techniques such as fuzzy logic and neural nets, remote sensing and land cover mapping, land cover change, fires and deforestation in the tropics, studies on the distribution of global biomass, crop yield, and crop acreage estimations as well as EO related benefit assessment studies.