Alison Parfitt


Alison was an independent practitioner, researcher, sometime activist and an Honorary Research Fellow in the Wildland Research Institute. Sadly, we lost Alison in December 2019. Interests in wildland were part of her life long preoccupations in landscape past, present and future, sustainable land management and use, access to land as in community land trusts and eco settlements, human species relationship with nature and work with all the major land owning and managing agencies, protected landscape guardians and conservation NGOs. Recent preoccupations included:

Improving relationship and practice between academic researchers and community activists to create mutual benefit.

AHRC research network Reflecting on Environmental Change through Site-Based Performance,

AHRC research project Walking Interconnections: Performing conversations of sustainability

You can read a brief tribute to Alison published in ECOS this year here and a longer one here

A student dissertation prize for the Best Conservation-themed dissertation has been set up at both the University of Leeds and University of Cumbria in Alison’s memory.